One Hundred!

One hundred posts. Well, I knew I’d get there, and it only recently dawned on me that I was approaching 100. So what’s the magic in it? Over 7,000 views. Okay, I realize most of those are actually search bots updating their databases. I know for certain 4 people read my blog besides myself. I know one of those is not my mother, although she would if she knew about blogs and thought I’d be happy if she read it. I mean, gee whiz, isn’t that what mothers are for? I know my wife doesn’t read it, although she supports my hobby more than I do sometimes. I’m doing this as an outlet for me. Another creative way to complete a model, describe what I did and why; and record that completion. How many models did I complete over the years where I have no record? Too many. I’m on a good roll with my build pace. I like where I am with my hobby. I buy, I research, I build, I post. The most popular post? After the Blenheim sprue shots (go figure?) it’s RAF Dark Earth and RAF Dark Green. Okay, I know trying to find a good paint can be tough, but I never would have thought posting my delvings into hobby paints would be that interesting. But then again, it can be an emotional topic on forums, right? Thanks for looking…

Thanks for looking…


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