Oldest model still in my collection

My mother found this when selling the house and moving to Florida to a smaller home. My wife was more excited to get it than I was, but I'm glad I've got it.

This is from a Revell Fighting Deuces 2-kit set I was able to save some pocket money for back in 1969.  I remember the Wildcat kit had a short shot cowling and main landing gear, so I attempted to fix that one with “some glue is good, more glue is better” approach with dismal results.

Ultimately I put the models together in-flight and all my childhood models in 1/72 from that point forward were wheels up for consistency.  Bonus — they hung from the ceiling and looked cool!

This is the second painting.  First painting was some sort of gray color on the bottom with the topsides in bare plastic (it was green already!).  I do remember painting the cowling.  Decals were crap, even for then (it was a new boxing in 1969) so I hand painted the hinomarus and the tail markings.

Sometime in the mid-70s I decided it was time to clean up my models so I repainted the entire model in (I was smarter then) proper green color and a lower surface color that looked like the picture I had which must have impressed me as a tannish color. Again the hinamarus were hand painted but I was much better and with a steadier hand back then. BC — Before Caffeine.

Additionally, I cleaned up the canopy frames and made my very first attempt at weathering, hence the overly dirty undersides.

I pull this kit out occasionally and remind myself where I was, once. I think that year was my best year modeling. My cousin was right beside me all summer up at Nana’s place making cars while I made aircraft. We also made 2 battleships that remain in Nana’s pond at “plastic bottom sound”.

Thanks for looking…


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